• medical treatment

International second opinion package (Shonan Kamakura General Hospital)

implementation facility
  • Tokushukai Shonan-Kamakura General Hospital
Facility Details
program name
International second opinion package (Shonan Kamakura General Hospital)
  • medical treatment:second opinion、
program details
[Medical condition] Cancer in general (Predominantly, gastro-intestinal cancer, Respiratory organ cancer, Breast cancer)
[Special feature]To a foreign patient who is concerned for cancer treatment, we will answer your question as a Japanese doctor from the standpoint of the third party.
[Clinical department]Surgery, Oncology, Palliative care
day off
Golden week, Year end and New year holiday
requirement, condition for apply
[Condition for accepting]・Patient her/himself (over 18 years old) and her/his family ・Written consent for the consultation from the patient is required when the family member takes the second opinion. ・Only patient who is able to submit medical reference (Patient referral document), examination data, diagnostic imaging film obtained from a present doctor in charge in international medical institute can take this package. ・In case that the patient comes to see a doctor, corresponding language is English or Chinese. Regarding other languages, the patient or international medical support department in our clinic arranges interpreter. [Things that you need to bring on that day, Things that you need to send in advance]・Medical reference (Patient referral document) ・Written consent for the consultation (when a consulter is a proxy.) ・Application form ・Clinical information such as examination data, diagnostic imaging film etc.
precaution, contraindication
[Condition not to accepted]・In case that the request of the consultation is not from the patient or patient’s family ・The consulter is not a patient and he/she does not bring a written consent for the consultation ・Consulting for a patient who passed away. ・In case that a doctor in charge does not permit to take this consultation ・In case that consulter does not prepare requiring documents or medical information which is necessary for the consultation. ※ We are able to correspond cancers other than gastro-intestinal cancer , respiratory organ cancer, or breast cancer, however, there may be a case in which we need time until we answer your question. (There is a case in which we answer your question after taking consultation from a specialist in Japan depending on the necessity.)
for more details information about this program,
kindly inquire from here
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