About JMHC

About the Licenses that JMHC holds

To run a medical coordinator business in accordance with Japanese law, companies are required to acquire several licenses. Two of the most important licenses are certification of Accredited Medical Travel Assistance Company and certification of Guarantor for Visa for Medical Stay, both which JMHC holds.

Accredited Medical Travel Assistance Company (AMTAC)

We joined Medical Excellence JAPAN (MEJ), a general incorporated association and became the first company that acquired the certificate of Accredited Medical Travel Assistance Company (authentication number MEJ-AMTAC-001) in accordance with government guidelines.

*Accredited Medical Travel Assistance Company (AMTAC) refers to companies certified as a Medical Travel Assistance Company, which meets certain standards and is able to offer high quality support services to attend to foreigners who visit Japan hoping to receive medical services, such as medical examinations, checkups and treatment, in Japan. Aiming to extend the medical business internationally, in April 2015, the Task Force on International Expansion of Medical Businesses was founded under the Headquarters for Healthcare Policy as a policy of the Japanese government's Japan Revitalization Strategy, and guidelines for certification of the Medical Travel Assistance Company were established.

Companies that meet the standards described below are certified as an AMTAC.

  • It is a registered guarantor for Visa for Medical Stay.
  • It is a certified travel agency (first, second, or third class).
  • The number of foreigners it has invited to domestic medical institutions is 150 or more (including 120 or more foreigners who hoped to receive medical treatment) per year on average for the last two years.
  • It is recommended by a medical institution.
  • It has acquired PrivacyMark issued by JIPDEC.
  • Consulting Doctor: It has a system in which foreign patients can consult a doctor who are employed under a consulting agreement to prepare for inquiries from foreigners.

There are ten stipulated standards including items above.

List of Accredited Medical Travel Assistance Companies (AMTAC)


Proceedings of Inbound Working Group, Headquarters for Healthcare Policy, Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet


Registered Guarantor for Visa for Medical Stay

JTB is the first travel agency that has been certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Registered Guarantor for the Visa for Medical Stay. We guarantee the identities of foreign patients who receive medical examinations, checkups, and treatment in Japan as required according to instructions from Japanese medical institutions.

(JTA Registration No. A-001)

*"Visa for Medical Stay" is a visa issued to foreign patients and examinees hoping to visit Japan for all medical services instructed by medical institutions in Japan (including full medical check-ups, medical examinations, medical check-ups, dental care and recuperation [including hot springs recuperation]). The visa is issued to their accompanying person(s) as well if necessary and as needed. (An excerpt from website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Registration standards for certification of identity guarantors (excerpts)

  • It has a past business result of continual invitation of foreign patients, and, examinees, to domestic medical institutions in the last two years.
  • It has affiliations with domestic medical institutions concerning acceptance service for foreign patients who visits domestic medical institutions.
  • It has specialized department and fulltime staff that deal with the acceptance service for foreign patients and accompanying person who visits domestic medical institutions.
  • It has established a system that can distribute staff who have language skills required for the service.
  • It has sound financial condition and can continue managing the service stably.
  • On the balance sheet, the total amount of property is larger by five million yen or more than the total amount of debt.
  • The office operating the service is located in Japan.

There are, in total, ten stipulated standards including items above.

List of Travel Agencies certified as Registered Guarantors by Japan Tourism Agency


[About the guarantor system of Visa for Medical Stay]

The current guarantor system of Visa for Medical Stay does not necessarily require foreign patients to get a guarantor for Visa for Medical Stay to receive medical care in Japan. JMHC offers patients-oriented service that does not cause unnecessary cost by proposing the proper and suitable type of Japan visa to people who come to Japan for medical care or health promotion.