• cosmetic

Seishin Regenerative Medicine Center Tokyo Clinic

  • 106-0032 TokyoPiramide 2F, 6-6-9 Roppongi
  • cosmetic:anti-aging
facility details
Seishin Regenerative Medicine Center has opened eight clinics throughout Japan, all of
which provide consistently high quality cosmetic medical treatment. Since quickly
introducing front line regenerative medical techniques into the field of cosmetic surgery
using the patient’s own body tissues, unlike conventional methods of using foreign
substances, we have built up a large case record. Seishin Regenerative Medicine Center has
world-class experience and knowhow in the anti-aging field having performed 8,028
rejuvenation surgery procedures using blood plasma and 340 breast augmentation surgery
procedures using adipose tissue-derived stem cells. In April 2010 we received a testimonial
from the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery in recognition of scientific achievements in
the cosmetic medical industry.
We also focus on safety through our management system, and have acquired ISO9001:2008
(certifying that we are achieving world standards in terms of customer satisfaction
enhancement through quality assurance and in terms of continuous improvement in our
quality management system.)
Our clinics provide patients with the highest levels of satisfaction and safety.
specialized field
Cosmetic(anti-aging courses)
for more details information about this program,
kindly inquire from here