• medical treatment

**Introduction to Advanced Medical Care in Japan ~ JMHC Travel Support Services ~**

implementation facility
  • JTB JMHC (Japan Medical & Health Tourism Center)
Facility Details
program name
**Introduction to Advanced Medical Care in Japan ~ JMHC Travel Support Services ~**
program details
At JTB JMHC, we offer a wide range of advanced medical services that Japan proudly presents to the world.

**JTB JMHC (Japan Medical & Health Tourism Center)**

As the first certified organization under Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's medical travel support system "AMTAC," JTB JMHC leads Japan's medical tourism and inbound medical services.

For patients overseas who require Japanese medical care, we arrange medical institutions tailored to their needs, including general hospitals, university hospitals, and specialized clinics across Japan. Our dedicated staff provides detailed guidance on the following diseases, medications, and treatments, introducing suitable medical institutions and offering comprehensive support, including assistance with obtaining visas.

**Recent Diseases Handled**
- [List of diseases]

**Recent Medications Handled**
- Zolgensma

**Recent Treatments Handled**
- Heavy particle therapy
- ZAP-X (stereotactic radiotherapy device) for brain tumors, brain metastases of cancer, etc.

For those unable to visit Japan due to the impact of COVID-19, we offer solutions such as online second opinions tailored to the patient's situation.

Please feel free to contact us with your inquiries.
item of research
糖代謝検査/免疫・血清検査/自律神経検査/頸動脈超音波/脳MRI/MRA/肺機能検査(スパイロメーター)/胸部X線直接撮影/マルチスライス胸部CT/喀痰細胞診/胃内視鏡検査(経鼻あるいは経口)/上部消化管X線/便中ピロリ菌抗原/尿中ピロリ菌抗体/大腸CT(腹部CTも兼ねる)/大腸内視鏡検査/便潜血(2回法)/腹部超音波検査(肝・胆・膵・脾・腎)/腹部CT/心血管検査/心不全マーカー/動脈硬化検査/心臓超音波検査/冠動脈単純CT(カルシウムスコア)/冠動脈造影CTあるいはMRI/LOX index/甲状腺検査/骨密度測定 (DEXA法)/骨代謝検査・副甲状腺検査/乳腺超音波検査/マンモグラフィー(乳房X線検査・2方向)/婦人科内診/経腟超音波検査/コルポスコピー/子宮頸部細胞診/骨盤MRI(子宮・卵巣)/骨盤MRI(前立腺)/腎動脈超音波ドップラー/腫瘍マーカー CEA/腫瘍マーカー SCC/腫瘍マーカー CA19-9/腫瘍マーカー AFP/腫瘍マーカー NSE/腫瘍マーカー PSA (男性のみ)/腫瘍マーカー PAP (男性のみ)/腫瘍マーカー CSLEX (女性のみ)/腫瘍マーカー CA125 (女性のみ)/腫瘍マーカー CA15-3 (女性のみ)/腫瘍マーカー CYFRA/腫瘍マーカー 抗p53抗体/女性ホルモン/男性ホルモン/発毛・アンチエイジング/副腎ホルモン/疲労度・脂肪代謝/老化物質/老化物質測定/抗酸化度測定/免疫活性検査/腸内フローラ/遺伝子検査マイクロアレイRNA/Wisconsin Card Sorting Test/毛髪ミネラル/腰椎X線検査/腰椎MRI/膝関節X線検査/オーラルチェック(歯科)/結果説明/検査結果メディア(CDROM等)/特診室利用/個室ロッカールーム/ランチ券/送迎/PET-CT検査/内科診察・問診/身体計測/内臓脂肪CT/眼科系検査/聴力検査/血液型(ABO・Rh)/尿検査/血球検査/生化学検査
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