• health check up

Fuji (DWIBS Scan, Colon Dock, and Gastroscopy Included)【Odawara Hakone Kenshin Clinic 】

implementation facility
  • Odawara Hakone Medical Center
Facility Details
program name
Fuji (DWIBS Scan, Colon Dock, and Gastroscopy Included)【Odawara Hakone Kenshin Clinic 】
  • health check up:MRI/MRA、gastroscope、colonscope、DWIBS
program details
This special course adds brain, lung and colon checkups, tests to check for myocardial infarction and various cancer risks, and DWIBS tests to search for cancer throughout the body with MRI to the medical checkups for men and women. It is a comprehensive medical checkup that includes advanced imaging diagnostics, endoscopic examinations and cutting-edge cancer screening.
item of research
Gastric Endoscopy (Transnasal or Transoral)/Colonoscopy
consultation day
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
day off
Sundays, holidays, New Year holidays
duration (days)
Day 1: 8 hours/Day 2: 2 hours
start/end time
Day 1: 8:30-16:30/Day 2: 8:30-10:30
requirement, condition for apply
[Endoscopic examination] If you are taking antithrombotic drugs/anticoagulants (medications that prevent blood clotting, such as warfarin or Bayer aspirin), hyperlipidemia drugs (Epaderm/EPA preparations), or supplements (fish oil/EPA preparations), please contact our hospital after checking with your doctor whether or not you can have the examination.
precaution, contraindication
[Dietary restrictions]
The day before: Please eat an easily digestible meal for the lower gastrointestinal endoscopy. We will inform you of the foods you should avoid in advance. You can also eat meals suitable for lower gastrointestinal endoscopy at our affiliated restaurants.
The day of the examination: Fasting (You can drink water or tea. Coffee is not allowed)
[Chest X-ray examination]
1. Pregnant women and those with an implanted insulin pump cannot take the examination.
2. Please let us know in advance if you have metal such as body piercings, have a DBS (deep brain stimulator), or use a wheelchair. We will ask you again on the day and decide whether or not you can take the examination.
[CT examination]
1. Pregnant women and those with an implanted insulin pump cannot take the examination.
2. ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) implantation site cannot be examined.
3. Please let us know in advance if you cannot maintain a supine position for several minutes, have metal (including inside the body) in the imaging range, or have a pacemaker or DBS (deep brain stimulator). We will consult with you again on the day and decide whether or not you can undergo the test.

[MRI test]

1. Those who are pregnant, have a pacemaker, ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator), ICM (implantable cardiac monitor), SCS (spinal cord stimulator), DBS (deep brain stimulator), variable pressure valve shunt, cochlear implant, middle ear, implanted insulin pump, magnetic implanted dentures, artificial eyes, or cannot maintain the position for several tens of minutes cannot undergo the test.

2. Those with tattoos or permanent makeup can undergo the test with consent. Those with full body tattoos may not be able to undergo the test.

3. If you suffer from claustrophobia or have any other medical devices implanted in your body other than those listed above, please let us know in advance. We will consult with you again on the day and decide whether or not you can undergo the test.

[Mammography test]

1. Those who are pregnant, have not yet stopped breastfeeding for six months, have a pacemaker, ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator), ICM (implantable cardiac monitor), DBS (deep brain stimulator), VP shunt, CV port, implanted insulin pump, have had silicone breast augmentation, or have had chest surgery within one year cannot undergo the test.
2. Please let us know in advance if you have had breast augmentation using hyaluronic acid or fat, cannot raise your arms to shoulder height, or use a wheelchair. We will hear from you again on the day and decide whether or not you can undergo the test.
meal condition
Meals, accommodation and transportation arrangements available (additional charges apply)
the services included in the package
[Health checkup program]
[Concierge] ... Attendant and Interpreter During Health Checkup
[Various services during the program] ... Refreshments after examination,
[Preliminary documents sent] ... Documents such as schedule, examination items, notes, consent forms, medical questionnaires, etc.
[Health checkup results] ... Translated and sent
cancelation fee
7 to 3 days before the scheduled test date: 50% of the program fee
2 to 1 day before the scheduled test date: 100% of the program fee
The day before the scheduled test date (business day basis): 100% of the program fee
On the day of the test or if no notice is given: 100% of the program fee
20 to 8 days before: 20% of the program fee
[Examination Items]
Other Special Tests: DWIBS (Diffusion-Weighted Whole-Body Imaging with Background Suppression) available.
For colorectal examination, you may choose between lower gastrointestinal endoscopy or colon CT scan.
for more details information about this program,
kindly inquire from here
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