Ultra-high frequency ultrasound diagnostic equipment (SonoSite Vevo MD), high-resolution surgical microscope system (MM51) with a maximum magnification of 77 times, body composition analyzer (Inbody770) capable of measuring the water content of each part of the limbs, and ICG fluorescence observation camera system (pde-neo) capable of diagnosing lymphatic flow disorders
requirement, condition for apply
Treatment history for breast cancer, gynecological cancer (uterine and ovarian), prostate cancer, etc. Treatment history for lymphedema. Photograph of affected area (photo to compare left and right). Surgery is same day surgery, stitches are removed one week later, and post-op examination is scheduled. Visits by lymph therapist for one week before and after surgery for intensive drainage, adjustment of elastic clothing, etc.
for more details information about this program, kindly inquire from here