• medical treatment

Tympanic Membrane Regeneration Therapy (Kitano Hospital Medical Research Institute)

implementation facility
  • Medical Research Institute KITANO HOSPITAL, PIIF Tazuke-Kofukai
Facility Details
program name
Tympanic Membrane Regeneration Therapy (Kitano Hospital Medical Research Institute)
  • medical treatment:otorhinolaryngology
program details
① Features:
Performed under a microscope or endoscope, this surgery does not require external skin incisions or autologous tissue harvesting.
② Duration:
Tympanic membrane regeneration surgery: 20–30 minutes
Tympanoplasty: 30–90 minutes (Surgical method varies depending on the condition)
③ Treatment Timeline:
Outpatient Examinations (2 days)
Surgery & Hospitalization: 1 night & 2 days or 2 nights & 3 days (Day surgery may also be possible). However, if active infection or inflammation is detected during (1) outpatient examinations, treatment for the infection or inflammation is required first, and a recovery period may be necessary before (2) surgery.
Postoperative Follow-up (about 3 weeks after surgery): The tympanic membrane's regeneration progress is checked. If regeneration is not proceeding well, a repeat procedure may be performed on the same day.
④ Clinical Results:
From 2021 to 2023: 667 cases
Success rate: Over 90%
Hearing improvement observed in nearly all cases
⑤ Effectiveness:
If tympanic membrane regeneration proceeds smoothly, hearing is often improved.
If the only cause of hearing loss is tympanic membrane perforation, hearing can improve to the patient’s natural hearing ability limit, enhancing speech clarity.
Once the tympanic membrane is fully regenerated and dry, daily life restrictions (e.g., swimming, bathing) are minimized.
Closing the tympanic membrane perforation also enhances resistance to infections, reducing the risk of otitis media.
Tympanic Membrane Regeneration Introduction Video


requirement, condition for apply
Target Diseases/Conditions:

Tympanic Membrane Perforation
Chronic Suppurative Perforated Otitis Media
Chronic Otitis Media
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