SearchProgram details

Heavy Ion Beam Therapy (Osaka Heavy Ion Center)

Heavy Ion Beam Therapy Osaka Heavy Ion Therapy Center (HIMAK)(Kinki/Osaka)

Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for cancer

Target disease, condition:
prostate cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, head and neck tumor, bone saft tumor, rectal cancer (recurrence in the pelvis), renal cancer, cranial base tumor, cancer of the esophagus, uterine cancer, etc.

Please understand that carbon ion radiotherapy indication requires to meet the following common condition.
■The cancer lesion is limited, not be extensive
■Radiation therapy was not performed on the target cancer lesion.
■Patient can lie down with rest for about 30 minutes.
■PS (Performance Status) at the moment of the treatment start is 0-2 (K160 over).
■No active and intractable inflammation exists in the expecting irradiation area.
■The patient accepted the cancer diagnosis and would like to take heavy iron therapy of his/her own will.
General evaluation by specialists is required to decide the indication for carbon ion radiotherapy. There is a case to be out of the indication for carbon ion therapy after reviewing the patient’s condition (cancer board).

  • Department
  • Disease
  • Examination Items/Treatments/Surgical method
  • Region/Organ
    whole body
Medical Institutions
Osaka Heavy Ion Therapy Center (HIMAK)
540-0008 Osaka3-1-10 Otemae Chuo-ku Osaka City
Google Map Map
Examination Items
Setup Date
Excluded days
Eligibility Criteria/Exclusions for Treatment
Following documents are required to submit for the evaluation whether the patient is acceptable or not for the treatment.
・Medical record, diagnosis (letter of introduction)
・DICOM or visual date such as CT, MRI, RI, PET-CT on CD-R with which yearly change shows and including the finding report.
・Blood test result (tumor marker, most recent urea nitrogen, creatinine level, items for infectious diseases)
・Pathological findings (※ in case of prostate cancer patient, a preparation specimen is mandatory to submit ).
・Respiratory function test result (※ in case of lung cancer patient, it is mandatory to submit)
Precautions / Contraindications
General evaluation by specialists is required to decide the indication for carbon ion radiotherapy. There is a case to be out of the indication for carbpn ion therapy after reviewing the patient’s condition (cancer board).
Services included in this program
Medical Interpreter

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