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Medical checkup

Please use comprehensive health checkups for lifelong health management.

Our aim is early detection and early treatment of diseases through comprehensive medical checkups conducted by specialists from various departments at Kansai Medical University.

3rd Fl., OMM Bldg., 1-7-31,Otemae,Chuo-ku,Osaka-City, Osaka, Japan Google Map Map
Physical checkup, PET-CT, Brain checkup, Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy, CT, various risk tests, etc.
Third-party certification
Departments registered on this site
Medical checkup
Our Unique Points
In 1969, the year before the 1970 Osaka Expo, our clinic opened in the OMM Building near Osaka Castle. We were quick to recognize the importance of preventive medicine and have continued to provide physical examinations by specialists in various departments of the Kansai Medical University for half a century since its opening, accumulating a large number of results.
If the results of the physical examinations reveal abnormalities that require advanced medical treatment, we will consult with you about treatment or surgery at the Kansai Medical University Hospital or the Kansai Medical University Comprehensive Medical Center.

Furthermore, the facilities affiliated with Kansai Medical University, including our clinic, are located between Osaka and Kyoto, making access to both tourist attractions quick and easy, so you can effectively use your precious time for sightseeing in Kansai without specializing in medical tourism.

We hope you will take advantage of the physical examinations conducted by Kansai Medical University."" The clinic serves as the preventive medicine department of Kansai Medical University and conducts medical checkups for approximately 20,000 people annually.
Our staff is committed to providing advanced, high-quality medical care to meet the diversifying needs of our patients.
Treatment methods and procedures registered on this site

Programs offered by this medical institution

  • Complete Medical Checkup + PET-CT (Kansai Medical University Tenmabashi General Clinic)

    Medical checkup


    Screening examination of the whole body, including early detection of cancer

    Please take advantage of the physical checkup and PET-CT examination conducted by the University Hospital.

    See details